
Page 1: Learn more about the issue with factory farms are and why they are harming our environment and preventing small farmers from thriving.

Page 2: Learn how you can make an impact by supporting small farmers and changing your habits to be a more conscious consumer.

What’s the issue?

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“What is factory farming, cruelty, facts & how to stop it for good”

Factory farming is environmentally and ethically despicable. Confining thousands of sentient animals in warehouses simply to generate meat, dairy, and egg products that are ultimately harmful to people and the environment has become the norm. How do we address the growing global population while still moving towards a more sustainable food system? Read more by clicking the accompanying image.

“Meat, monopolies, mega farms: how the US food system fuels climate crisis”

The US food system significantly contributes to the current climate catastrophe because Americans consume too much meat and the industry produces mass amounts of waste, all while making small farms more vulnerable to financial collapse. To make matters worse, corporate farms are protected by the government, making it hard to fight against them. Read more by clicking the accompanying image.

“To fight the climate crisis, banks must stop financing factory farming”

The UN and the Paris climate goals are being directly undermined by public development banks, which are funneling tremendous amounts of tax money into global meat corporations. Divest Factory Farming, a new global campaign, is urging public development banks to stop funding them right away, and move their funds to supporting a sustainable and just food system to decrease the impacts on our environment.  Read more by clicking the accompanying image.

“Impact of Industrial Farm Animal Production on Rural Communities”

This report was commissioned to analyze the social and economic effects that industrial farm animal production has had on rural communities. The report has found that the relentless quest for economic efficiency has shifted the landscape of rural America from independent farmers to large corporations. Read more by clicking the accompanying image.

How America’s food giants swallowed the family farms

Rural towns in the Midwest are being devastated by corporate farming. Industrialized agriculture has grown to control the entire chain of food production, from “farm to fork.” Factory farms have moved the agricultural business away from small farms, replacing them with enormous slaughterhouses that rob small communities of their incomes. Read more by clicking the accompanying image.

“Factory farms provide abundant food, but environment suffers”

Iowa is the top producer of swine and egg-laying chickens in the United States, and the factory farming industry is booming there. However, regulation is extremely lax, and basic information about the location, size, and waste management of the farms is frequently lacking from federal databases. Local farmers have taken to town halls and courtrooms to fight against big corporate farms. Read more by clicking the accompanying image.