
Get informed by reading the latest news articles regarding factory farms.

“A fire killed 18,000 cows in Texas. It’s a horrifyingly normal disaster.”

April 2023- Thousands of cows died in a factory farm fire. These types of fires are far too common because of a lack of sufficient fire rules and safety requirements. A single fire at one of these operations can be responsible for the bulk of barn fire fatalities in a year because industrial farms can hold hundreds of thousands or even millions of animals annually. Read more by clicking the accompanying image.

“Oregonians fight for a moratorium on factory farms”

January 2023- Oregon has the most miles of contaminated waterways of any state. Industrialized operations have replaced family-scale, diversified agriculture in increasing amounts throughout the years. The Factory Farm Moratorium Bill would halt any new construction of factory farms in the state. Read more by clicking the accompanying image.

“A tiny Wisconsin town tried to stop pollution from factory farms. Then it got sued.”

December 2022- Laketown, Wisconsin, a little town with just over 1,000 residents and 18 lakes, is once more at the center of a controversy over how local governments should regulate massive, industrial farming enterprises in their backyards. The state’s largest business lobbying group wants to sue, claiming the town board has exceeded its authority by passing a local ordinance to prevent pollution from factory farms. Read more by clicking the accompanying image.

“Supreme Court Wrestles With Case on Pigs, Cruelty and Commerce”

October 2022- The Supreme Court is hearing a case about a California law that mandates more space for breeding pigs, which animal rights activists support but the pork industry opposes. The justices are debating the issue, considering both the wellness of animals and the potential effects on commerce. The ruling could affect future animal welfare and commerce-related legislation. Read more by clicking the accompanying image.

“The End of Factory Farming: Alternatives to Improve Sustainability, Safety, and Health”

September 2021- A legal dispute against industrial agriculture has been filed by the UK-based advocacy group Scrap Factory Farming; the case is currently undergoing court review. The group asserts that factory farming poses a threat to not only the health of humans but also to animals and the environment. Read more by clicking the accompanying image.

“Environmental Justice Groups Call for Biden EPA to Hold Industrial Dairy and Hog Operations Accountable and to Reject Big Ag Technology”

April 2021- Environmental justice groups, rural communities, and environmental organizations from all over the country have petitioned the Biden EPA to regulate industrial dairy and hog operations and hold them responsible for their detrimental effects on climate pollution. The petition asks the EPA to identify and regulate industrial dairy and hog operations under section 111 of the Clean Air Act in order to exercise its power and fulfill its responsibility to safeguard public health, rural communities, and the environment. Read more by clicking the accompanying image.

“Farmers and animal rights activists are coming together to fight big factory farms”

July 2020- The Farm System Reform Act was launched in December 2019 by Cory Booker while he was campaigning for office in Iowa. The bill proposes that the largest factory farms currently in operation will be phased out by 2040, as well as an immediate moratorium on the construction of new factory farms. Additionally, it will hold these corporations accountable for the costs associated with the accidents, disasters, and pollution that they cause. Read more by clicking the accompanying image.